Enjoy a 10% discount off of your Food and Beverages when you present your Lumber Punks / The Raven 10% Discount Flyer!
Book your table ahead of time HERE>>>
Enjoy a 10% discount off of your Food and Beverages when you present your Lumber Punks 10% Discount Card on the same day of your session!
Book your table ahead of time HERE>>>
The Cheeky Bean Espresso Bar have come on board to offer our customers a “Cheeky” Lumber Punks discount… you’ll find some flyers in venue on the day of your session to take with you to redeem - check out their website HERE>>> for more info 😉


Got more questions?
Some Frequently Asked Questions
+ Is It Safe?
We have taken all steps to create a safe and fun environment for our guests.
We have self contained lanes in all our venues, therefore eradicating the risk of wayward axes from adjacent lanes. We are also a Dry Venue to again limit risk.
+ Are The Axes Heavy?
Not at all, Axe-Throwing is not about strength or power, it is about technique. Our small axes are less than 300g, with our large axes around 1kg.
You will receive training from our experienced instructors who will take you step by step through the techniques required for each axe - tailoring and teaching various techniques to suit you and your preferred axe.
+ Can Anyone Throw Axes?
Without a doubt. Axe-Throwing is technique over anything else, and is a sport that isn't hindered by strength, age, gender or disability ("different"-ability). You can participate as long as you are;
- Over the age of 18.
- A minor between the ages of 14-17 with their respective parent or legal guardian co-signing, present and participating in the session.
- Willing to sign a waiver
- Wearing enclosed shoes
- Not intoxicated by alcohol or drugs
- Not more than 20 weeks pregnant
+ What is a Legal Guardian?
A legal guardian is a person who has been court appointed to care for another person, and make decisions on their behalf. Essentially, a legal guardian assumes legal responsibility over another person.
They have been granted the legal authority to care for their ward’s personal and property interests. This means uncles, aunties, brothers, sisters or friends don’t qualify unless the court has appointed guardianship.
+ It's All A Bit "Macho" Isnt It?
Across all of our platforms and league nights, roughly 48% of all Axe-Throwers at Lumber Punks are women. Internationally, the Sport of Axe-Throwing proudly has 40-60% split of Women to Men participants.
In venue, we see time and time again the ladies out throw the men.
+ Can I Throw Axes If Im Pregnant?
Yes, if you are prior to 20 weeks into your pregnancy.
Axe Throwing is a physical activity performed in sometimes hot environments, so for the safety of you and your child, come back and see us after the child is born.
+ Can We Drink Alcohol & Throw Axes?
Safety is our highest prority, we choose not to be licensed to serve alcohol at Lumber Punks. Our axe throwing experience means you will be throwing axes for the majority of your session time. You'll be having so much fun you won't even think about it - trust us.
+ What If We Want To Drink Somewhere Afterwards?
We’ve got you covered with our bar and brewery partners. Ask us today about our deals so your group can kick on well into the night if you wish.
+ I Want To Book - What Do I Have To Do?
Book a session, fill out the online waiver, send the email link to your friends that you have invited & arrive on the day!
+ Do You Accept Companion Cards?
Yes, we do accept companion cards! :)
+ What Else Should We Know?
Please arrive a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the start of your session to ensure that all members of your group have signed their online waiver and payment has been processed.
Enjoyed Slingin’ Steel?!
Why Not Join A League?!
At Lumber Punks, we are a safe space and every one is WELCOME HERE.
We thank our Veteran’s for their service.
We are proud members of the
Australian Partners Of Defence.